Managing the Value of Your Client List


ost businesses would rank their client list as one of their most valuable assets. Isn’t it amazing then that many of them do such a poor job of managing this important asset.

The Barrier of Trust

The biggest barrier to making a new sale is trust. To become a client a person must first find out about you and your company. They then must learn enough about you and build up enough confidence to engage your services or buy your products. Once they put money on the table, they evaluate the value that they have received in exchange and at that point they make a decision of whether or not they trust you enough to do business again.

Compare this to an existing client with whom you already have that trust. Selling to these people is so much easier because they already know you and trust that you are going to provide them with great value in exchange for their money. It is often said that it is 80% easier to sell to an existing client than it is to a brand new prospect.

Prospects buy when they are ready to buy not when you are ready to sell

The other thing to understand is that even once you have overcome the trust issue, people will only buy once they are ready to. You cannot control the events in their life so what you need to do is provide them with enough valuable contact that when they are ready to buy they immediately think of your products or services first.

The problem for most companies is this follow up is difficult for most people to do consistently. It requires a very dedicated person to remember to follow up with prospects week after week and it usually means juggling a number of systems to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Your List as the Authority

A better way to manage your list is to have your list become the authority. Wouldn’t it be good if you could just open one piece of software, find a person on your list, and see at a glance all the interactions you have had with them.  Once that prospect became a client you would naturally want to analyze the products and services they like to purchase and how this changed over time.

Bringing All Your Systems into One

As you would expect, having this one piece of software fully integrated into your ERP / accounting system becomes invaluable. It allows you to keep the prospecting away from the business within your accounting system. Once a prospect becomes a client then they should automatically be created in your ERP.

Tall Emu CRM

Built from the ground up as a native cloud application, Tall Emu is designed, developed and hosted in Australia. Tall Emu Prospect Hunter, empowers your sales reps and Business Development Managers with a unique map powered prospecting tool. Search a map area for leads, cross checks with your existing data and quickly add to CRM.

Use the Outlook plugin to see all the interactions you have had with the client or prospect who sent you that email. It is a very quick and intuitive way to go about your work day.

Find out more about Tall Emu CRM.

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